Verena Bruckner www.pitangamusic.net www.verenasongs.com
Jürgen Solis www.solismusic.com
J. Reuben Silverbird www.reubensilverbird.com
Alex Cee www.audiowerkstatt.com
Paul Freh www.paulfreh.com
Thierry Keller www.wix/thiekeller/MUSIC-YOGA
Oliver Leidenfrost www.lichtaugen.at
Robert Osterberger www.goeaststudios.com
und verschiedenen Künstlern, die von Sonoton repräsentiert werden www.sonoton.com
Agung Prana (for hosting us in Bali and serving nature and your people), Anna Seemann (for being a nurturing friend on all levels), Barbara Maleah Chyska (for inspiring conversations and walks in nature), Beate Radlinger (for helping us with props), Ben Skewes (for jumping in front of the camera), Birte Smolnig (for being a generous neighbour and supporting the creation), my brothers Matthias and Christoph Roland (for being wonderful family), Burgi Sedlak (for making many interviews possible), Christoph Schmidt (for the BeMovie Nights and being a friend), Claudia Dorfmeister (for inspirational talks and nice journeys - Om shanti), Clelia Seemann (for being a talented young actress and playing me as a child), Constantin Cranz (for many inspirations), Constanze Schmidt (for being a lovely friend, woman and co-creator of the FB-page), Daria Knödler (for your dream of founding an orphanage and being a lovely company), Doug and Trish Reagan (for supporting the movie with their wonderful dolphin shots), Dunja & Maik Burghardt (for the Cosmic Cine Festival, your support and your friendship), El Geko (for your amazing intro animation), Eva-Maria Roland (for being a lovely mother and for having the courage to play yourself), Floris Porro (for travelling with us to Pisa and assisting), Frank Sprung (for filming the interview with Eric Pearl and all the love-made food I am enjoying when I meet you), Gabriela Canal (for your touching voice and your allowance to film your pregnant belly ;-), Gayatri (for supporting me in Tiruvannamalei), Greg Ehmka (for the magical shooting of the Yogi on our heyloft and for calling in Babaji), Jelena Drobnjak (for editing the first version), Joe Haider (for sharing your photography), Julchen Cranz (for body painting and styling Verena), Kate Jantschgi (for transcribing so many interviews), Katrin Sprung (for your friendship and your beautiful wintergarden to film the interview with Esther), Kiki Rieder (for playing with your family a scene and being an amazing friend and for organizing seminars with Arjuna Ardagh in Austria), Klaus Lars (for being part of the animation creation), Krati Tarun Agrawal (for smiling the biggest smile in the movie), Larissa Cap (for teaching me witch-wisdom and power and for your inspiring friendship), Lawrence D.Rose (for being a friend and adiviser), Magdi Schweger (for supporting the creation of the movie), Manuel Scherzer, Mareike Aram (for transcribing interviews) Mark Hans (for being a host in India and adventurous travel companion) Markus Kamitz (for creating the first webiste and other adventures) Markus Schindler (for lending me a camera before I had one), Meike Frese (for being my first lecturer), Michael Rodriguez (for being a sweet company in Hawaii and a gardener), Moni Wegrostek (for being such a wonderful woman and connector), Moni Zacherl (for being a good friend and woman on the bench in the movie), Monk Piset (for your spiritual dedication), Monk Chin Barn (for your blessed company in Ankor Wat), Murat Erol (for using old whipped cream as shaving cream prop and being a nice neighbour), Nada (for being with us in the alps), Nana (for being such a sweet friend of Moritz and for the allowance to film you, when you where playing on the beach), Nana Walzer (for inspirations and fun), Nikhat Aslam Powell (for teaching me Final Cut), Niko Deininger (for enduring having me with my camera during holidays and for jumping off the cliff), Oliver Strassl (for teaching me my first movie steps twenty years ago), Peter Roland (for being my father) Pascal Violo (for your great portraits), Paul Peter Fernbach (for walking the first productions steps with me), Ravi Mitchel, Rich Si Windelov "Sion" (for being a friend on my path), Robert Silber (for being a lovely friend and host in Hawaii), Harald "Scheronimo" Schertler (for assisting the edit), Sigi Borutta (for walking the first production steps with me), Simon Porro (for connecting me with Ervin Laszlo and being a good friend and for our source lists on the beach), Sophia Breedlove (for showing me Kauai and reading me her poems), Susann de Moura Pinto (for our Asthanga sessions, organzing the Austrian Tour and being a wonderful friend and neighbour), Stefan Polzer (for creating the this new website and playing a manager on the hottest day of the summer and for my first fire-walk), Thomas Mikusz (for hosting Moritz and me in L.A., fun doggy walks and assisting me with the interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard), Verena Strobl (for your inspirations and company for a long time) Waldkinder (for taking care of Moritz in the forest kindergarden), Wolf Zöttl (for doing colour timing on the final movie), and all supporting spirits (for inspiring me, flushing me with divine energy and putting me in charge for the creation of the movie) . . . and all other friends ... I look forward to continue surfing with you :-)))